Kory Edwards- Fullerton College
Coach Aviles inspires me to not only be the best soccer player I can be but to be the best person I can be.
FULL NAME: Kory Edwards
SPORT: Men’s Soccer
1. Who got you into soccer and when did you start playing?
My parents started me with soccer at the very early age of 5.
2. If you weren't playing soccer, what other sport would you want to play at the college level?
I would be interested in playing football at the college level.
3. What makes Coach Aviles the type of coach you love to play for?
Coach Aviles inspires me to not only be the best soccer player I can be but to be the best person I can be. He elevates our team’s play by emphasizing the importance of togetherness and hard work.
4. What are you majoring in and what's your favorite class?
I am majoring in Communications, and, as of now, my favorite class is Oceanography.
5. What is your perfect pre-game meal?
My perfect pregame meal would have to be my mom’s spaghetti and meatballs.
6. Walk us through your pre-game warm up.
Focus, stretch, and focus some more.
7. What do you enjoy doing on your day off?
I enjoy spending time with family, watching soccer, sleeping, and hanging out with my girlfriend and friends.
8. Who on the team are you closest with?
I feel like I’m closest with everyone on my team. They are my brothers.
9. What is your leadership style?
I do my best to lead by example.
10. Once you're done at Fullerton College, what do you want to be remembered as?
I want to be remembered as part of the best men’s soccer team to come through Fullerton College.
11. What is the plan once you graduate?
I plan to transfer to a four-year university, play soccer, and start my career.
12. What do you want to say to the fans who have watched you play during your time at Fullerton College?
Thank you for all of the endless support and for always showing up to watch us perform.